Sunday, December 09, 2007

Good morning Master

this slave is so grateful that she has such a wonderful fantastic Master

Good morning Master this slave says good morning to her Master and is pleased that He slept well and is so happy she did not have to wake Him up as His early morning call as it is Sunday Master

this slave loves her Master and very much looks forward to texting and talking to Him later today

this slave was happy to talk to her Master before He went to the market to get some films and hopes that He gets the film He wants so that He can chill out this afternoon and watch it

this slave also hopes her Masters car starts this morning and everything is ok but Master did the car yesterday and is sure that Master meant it as He is very clever

there are now only 5 more days before this slave gets on the train to Doncaster and Master will meet her at the station when he finishes work which will be so lovely

with love and hugs and kisses and please try to relax a bit today Master as You need it with working so hard



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