Saturday, December 08, 2007

Good morning Master

this slave is so grateful that she has such a wonderful fantastic Master

Good morning Master this slave says good morning to her Master and is pleased that He slept well and is so sorry she did not have to wake Him up as His early morning call Master had to leave very early today

this slave loves her Master and very much looks forward to texting and talking to Him later today

this slave was so tired last night as Master said what a busy day and then not getting home til about 11 30 but this slave slept very deeply and feels much better today

this slave is so sorry that Masters car is not working properly and he has to work on it when He finishes work instead of chilling out what a shame Master we are not going through a very good period at the moment but there are only now 5 more days before this slave gets on the train and we will be together for a few days and that will make everything ok again to be together and be happy and then a few days after that it will be Christmas and we will be together for ages and ages which will be lovely this slave is going to book her train ticket this morning Master just one way and it will be so nice to drive back up to Rotherham with Master in His car

with love and hugs and kisses and please dont work too hard today Master



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