Sunday, December 02, 2007

Good night Master

this slave is so grateful that she has such a wonderful fantastic Master

hello Master this slave says good night to her Master and hopes He sleeps well

this slave very much misses her Master tonight but would like Him to know that she loves Him and is thinking of Him all the time

this slave very much looks forward to talking to her Master tomorrow morning and being His alarm clock

this slave was so happy that her Master got home safely after hearing about the horrible accident on the M1 thank goodness Master left a few minutes later than He did this slave cant bear to think about it Master

this slave thanks Yu so much for everything you did this weekend and for being you because You are such a lovely man and so kind and sweet and everything else and the very best best best Master a slave can ever ever have

with lots of love and hugs and kisses and sleep well tonight Master and thank you again for everything You did which is so much appreciated



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