Monday, October 23, 2006

Good afternoon Master

this slave is so grateful that she has such a wonderful fantastic Master

hello Master this slave says good afternoon to her Master and hopes He is ok and His back does not hurt so much

this slave has been so busy today Master but it has calmed down a little a the moment but no doubt will soon start again when Masaru is out of his meeting eileen rang about half an hour ago to say that she just got to London she has been travelling from Bologna in Italy since 6 pm last night it took almost 24 hours to get back as there was fog in Italy yesterday so she is not coming into the office today so this slave has to take care of everything this slave had to change Masaru's flights which were complicated as he only likes going on certain airlines and it is difficult to match times and airlines somtimes but this slave has found a way and he is apparently happier that this is done

this slave keeps thinking of this time next week when she will only have one more day to go here! isnt that amazing Master and this slave will be so happy that she will be able to spend more time with her Master just two more weeks Master and then this slave will be in her Master's house waiting for Him to come home to this slave when she will be able to look after her Master and spoil him and not let Him lift a finger after His days work this slave will have her Master's bath ready when He gets home so that He can relax and a cup of coffee made for Him and then His dinner ready whenever He wants and whatever He wants

this slave is so sorry but she has to go now Master as Masaru is calling

this slave very much looks forward to talking to her Master this evening



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