Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Good morning Master

this slave is so grateful that she has such a wonderful fantastic Master

Good morning Master this slave says good morning to her Master and is pleased that He slept well and is so sorry she did not have to wake Him up as His early morning call Master had to leave very early today

this slave loves her Master and very much looks forward to texting and talking to Him later today

this slave is a bit tired today as she had gout because of the Chinese this slve thinks but has taken a pill so hopefully that will work and if this slave has another before she goes to work then it will be even better and then buttons kept moving around and crying so this slave did not get much sleep but at least this slave can take it easy this morning and doesnt hav to leave here until 11 45 to go to work so that will be good Master

this slave thinks that stan is one of the rudest people in the world he would get on very well with the mushroom muncher and it is terrible he did not even say thank you when Master was getting him a rise how ignorant is that Master

with love and hugs and kisses and dont work too hard today Master



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