Thursday, April 05, 2007

Good night Master

this slave is so grateful that she has such a wonderful fantastic Master

hello Master this slave says good night to her Master and hopes He sleeps well

this slave very much misses her Master tonight and is so sorry she could not cope with the traffic jam it really was bad Master and this salve is so upst that she had to turn back

this slave would like her Master to know that she loves Him and is thinking of Him all the time

this slave very much looks forward to seeing her Master tomorrow morning and will try to be awake about 5 30 am so that this slave can ring her Master and then He will be on the road to come to see her

again Master this slave is so sorry that she could not cope and had to turn back as she was so looking forward to seeing her Master but only a few more hours and she will see Him

with hugs and love and kisses



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