Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Good morning Master

this slave is so grateful that she has such a wonderful fantastic Master

Good morning Master this slave says good morning to her Master and is pleased that He slept well and is so sorry she did not wake Him up as His early morning call but this slave is happy she spoke to her Master when she woke up and used her new phone for the first time it is very very similar to the old one Master because it is a Nokia and they are much the same which this slave thinks is brilliant

this slaves foot still hurts, actually the pain has moved from this slaves big toe to the next toe, so maybe it will go all the way down her toes and then stop but this slave has taken another pill so hopefully they will really start working today and the pain will go a little as it is very difficult to walk and this slave doesnt know what shoes to wear so she will maybe wear sandals and take other shoes with in case it hurts too much

this slave loves her Master and very much looks forward to texting and talking to Him later today and is so sorry He had to leave so early for work

with love and hugs and kisses



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