Monday, January 29, 2007

Good night Master

this slave is so grateful that she has such a wonderful fantastic Master

hello Master this slave says good night to her Master and hopes He sleeps well

this slave is so sorry she missed Coast but she did not get back from Sainsburys till about 8 15 and then cousin Hillary phoned and she was on the phone for hours and hours and this slaves mobile was in the kitchen so she did not hear it

this slave is so sorry she di dnot talk to her Master longer tonight but this slave is finding it very hard to keep her eyes open so this slave very much looks forward to talking to her Master in the morning

this slave will now go to bed and dream of being in Ireland with her Master in the summer that will be lovely Master

this slave very much misses her Master tonight but would like Him to know that she loves Him and is thinking of Him all the time

this slave very much looks forward to talking to her Master tomorrow morning and being His alarm clock

with love and hugs and kisses



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