Thursday, October 19, 2006

Good morning to Master

this slave is so grateful that she has such a wonderful fantastic Master

hello Master this slave says good morning to her Master and hopes He is well this slave also woke up late this morning Master just before this slave rang You this slave woke a few times in the night and went straight back to sleep again so that is probably why this slave did not wake up her normal early time

this slave thought of her Master before she fell asleep and thought of being in His house and laughing and having fun and then her Master wanted a whisky so this slave got her Master a whisky, prseented when she went back in the lounge and then this slave fell asleep

this slave also thought of her Master when she woke up and looked at the time and first thought Oh dear Master has not phoned, so this slave rang her Master and woke Him up

this slave will text her Master during the day of course and hopes her Master has a good day at work and looks forward to talking to Him later if that is OK



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